
Isn’t it annoying how if you draaaag yourself to the gym and you reaaaaallly don’t want to go but you gooooo anyway, how when you’re done you’re much more perky and feel better and are really glad you went?

Well, maybe not exactly annoying, but you know what I mean. :) And I worked out hard enough that I’m kind of wibbly now, so that’s good too. :)

Things I did today that were good for me: walked 2 miles, ate 1 froots, gymmed.

Oh! And I wrote a little bit. Took another stab at this new voice and think I hit it much better this time. I’ll do some more tomorrow morning. Yay!

Heavens to Mercatroid! Deirdre updated Breic’s site!

miles to Lothlorien: 27
ytd wordcount: 196,100

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