ha cha cha!

Today, Ted and I went over to the credit union and PAID OFF THE JEEP! This is PRETTY EXCITING, if you ask me! YAAAAAAAY! One loan down! Four to go! WOOT!

Also we went and bought second season Alias and watched the first episode. :)

Oh! And I finished the on-paper 2nd revisions for US. Started putting ’em into the computer. With luck I’ll be done by Monday morning and can send ’em out to get people to read for continuity/clarity, although… man. There’s no way I’m lugging three copies of the manuscript with me to San Francisco. I may have to ask people to write their notes on a separate page, or something, so that I can bring those with me instead. Busy busy busy!

miles to Rivendell: 441

1 thought on “ha cha cha!

  1. Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah!

    It is very exciting to pay off a big loan like that! Congratulations!

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