hard work

My, stripping paint is hard work. I don’t know if it would be easier if the paint wasn’t latex and inclined to ball up nastily, or if non-latex paint would be equally difficult in a different way. So I’m gonna get one small section done and see how it looks and decide if it’s worth the effort of doing it everywhere. I also determined that it is a *morning* job, not an afternoon job, because it’s hot work anyway and by afternoon the sun has come ’round and is boiling the garage.

Kudos to Emily for helping me with the nasty work.

I was *bushed* yesterday. Biked 5 miles, swam 2000 yards, walked 2 miles, and sheesh, I was just all worn out. Got some, not a lot (re: not enough) edits done on FD, and worked on stripping paint. Made dinner (rockfish, which Ted expressed surprise over being good; I looked vaguely, or perhaps slightly more than vaguely, offended, but he views rockfish rather like I view salmon, which is to say, if someone puts it in front of me I’ll eat it, but I don’t anticipate the experience with any pleasure), and eventually watched a couple episodes of Dark Angel. It’s still not a great show, but I think the writing got better.

I am not losing any weight. Sigh. I am maintaining like a sommonabitch, but not losing. Today is 9 months since I started losing weight, and I’ve lost 30 pounds, which is the same amount I’d lost a month ago. I would really like to lose 15 more by October 7th. It’s not an insurmountable amount, except the part where it’s NOT COMING OFF.

(Really, the scale had a couple of lower-weight days this week, so I’m probably just looking at water weight and whatnot, and next week there will be some loss, but argh anyway.)

Today is a v. busy day. I get to have a cavity filled (whee), I need to go to the chiro, Ted’s brought the frelling Audi over to see if somebody can fix the short that makes the battery drain all the freaking time, we need to shop, go to the bank, pay bills and strip some more paint. And go to a movie tonight.

miles to Rauros Falls: 331
miles to Hobbiton: 271.1

2 thoughts on “hard work

  1. Catie, you’re exercising like mad. It’s normal not to lose pounds when you exercise a lot. If you’re clothes are getting looser, I wouldn’t worry about the scale numbers. Anyway, congrats on the 30 pounds and good luck reaching your “dream goal”. :)

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