I will *not* be taking a nap today, no matter how tired I get at 10:30 this morning. Not after the combination of yesterday’s nap and talking with Spidey and my brain whirling and whirling and whirling kept me up until after 2am. I will go for a walk, I will take a shower, I will do whatever, but I will *not* take a nap. Jesus.
I will also not work on script rewrites except maybe at mealtimes, which are not allowed to stretch to two hours so I can keep playing. Nor will I log on and chat with people for hours on end.
I *will* get at least 75 pages of rewrites done. (I just checked. Even with as much as I’ve cut, and all the stuff I’ve got left to do, I seem to have added about 15 good pages to the manuscript so far. It was not running short, but there are more cuts to come (although practically all of it becomes a big fat rewrite rather than exactly a cut; “this scene doesn’t work, it needs to be tossed and replaced with this one”; a lot of one to one replacement), so I’m pleased that I’m not *behind* where I was, and find it satisfying to be ahead of where I was. The book will come in at the right length. They usually do.
I need breakfast.
Script? Details are coming when?
Script for my comic book. Nothing more exciting than that. No TV or movie deals. Sorry. :)