I am in a just-constant-enough state of low-grade sunburn to also be in a constant state of itch. But I dast not itch, because that will leave great vicious white slashes of pain across my delicate skin. I could, of course, not go outside for a few days while it all healed up, but I don’t think so.
Gaming last night was fun, once we got started. It took us like two hours, between dinner and trying to decide what we were going to do, to get started. :) Then we decided to dump the dingo (psy-dust) into the city’s water supply, and get the hell out of town. This might have worked better if we’d considered the fact that the water would get into town faster than we would get back after dumping the dust into the water. We didn’t, though, and so we had a massive fight at the docks, which Ted was sure would kill somebody, but for once, we didn’t come near having *anyone* get killed. And we think we might be able to get one or two more adventures in before Coby and Emily leave, so that’d be cool. :)
Anything else? Not too much, really. I sent off requests for a copy of our marriage certificate and my birth certificate, and Ted must go find a notary public today (I always thought that was ‘noted republic’ when I was younger, and wanted to know why the hell the damned Republicans got to sign things and the Democrats didn’t) so he can get a copy of his own birth certificate. Then, let’s see. I need to get new passport pictures taken, and take my paperwork to the bank to have a bank manager sign it all. I need to fill out Deirdre’s paperwork and make a printout of a marriage certificate request for her and put it all in the mail so she can send it to the appropriate places. I should put all these specific steps over on my list of thinks to do. :)
Bored to death with walking. I think I’ll go biking tonight instead.
Oh, not that this is related to anything, but the lotion I use, Vaseline Aloe & Naturals lotion, had the brilliant idea to stink up their product. It’s got a “new fresh scent” which is completely horrible, so I emailed them with a wail of misery, and they emailed back with an offer to send me a coupon for a product of my choice and told me which of their lotions was “considered to be fragrance free”, so I guess I’ll get them to mail me a coupon for the scentless stuff. *sigh*
miles to Lothlorien: 122
Well, that’s because your parents always called notaries public “noted Republicans”. It’s your father’s fault.
Re: sunburn – has it occurred to you to use a higher SPF sunblock? I mean, it’s not as though you’re going to tan or anything.
Oh. That would explain it, then. Jeez. :)
Is it notaries public, or is that the plural of notary public?
Well, it hadn’t really occured to me to use higher SPF sunblock, but that’s mostly because I don’t have any. I hadn’t really thought to buy any more. And I AM SO tanning. It’s just that my tan is VERY PATHETIC compared to normal people’s base color. Hmph. :)
That’s the plural. Notary public is singular.
Like attorneys general.
Sure you’re tanning. You’ve burned is what you’ve done. Get some sunblock.
There is no tanning. Only Zuul.
I actually saw that ‘fresh new scent’ sign up and considered getting some for my wife. Good thing I didn’t. Tune in next week for more valuable consumer information from the Kit Network.
Actually, I checked the sunblock. It’s SPF 40, for pity’s sake. That’s high enough.
My observation about boring walking (that I’m trying to put into practice, honest):
books/plays on CD
mp3 ripping software
portable mp3 player
less boring walking