I’ve got the music from Guys & Dolls stuck in my head this morning. I wonder if I’ve got the soundtrack up here, or if I’ve just got a jewel case mocking me with its monkey pants.
Making bread. Mustn’t forget.
I didn’t get up early to write for a second morning in a row. I think the whole exercise thing is making me a little more tired. I need to go to bed /early/ tonight, and I need to do some writing this afternoon. 2K or 2 chapters of rewrites. Yep.
Good news! Weighed in at 191 this morning! Perhaps with vigorous exercising or at least vigorous attention to what I eat and *some* exercising, I’ll bring that down to 189 by the 15th. Go Kit go!
Hah! I am not mocked with its monkey pants. I will listen to G&D. Yay!
Heather’s miles to Rivendell: 362*
*Heather is aiming for 366 miles by the 17th. Who else thinks she should push it up to 375, so she doesn’t stop walking after Thursday when she makes her goal? :)
Ok, fine, I’ll push it up to 374 – 2 miles/day walking three days on and one day off :)
Yay Heather! *beam* 374 is good! :)