Kickstarter comes to Ireland

First, before I start nattering about my own nebulous projects, lemme point you at three (3!) excellent Kickstarters that are currently running:

1. Lawrence Watt-Evans offers up delicious steampunky pulp! with illustrations! in TOM DERRINGER AND THE ALUMINUM AIRSHIP!

2. Ellen Million is running a second fantasy coloring books for so-called grown-ups, with a wide variety of artists pitching in books this time!

3. Patricia Bray & Joshua Palmatier have launched TEMPORALLY OUT OF ORDER, an anthology I really wish I could participate in but was obliged to face reality regarding. Especially bitter given how many terrific people are writing for it. Woe! Go forth! Make it happen! Make my woe EVEN GREATER! :)

And, on that note…

Today Kickstarter announced that as of October 21, denizens of Ireland would be able to run Kickstarters, in euros, to land in Irish bank accounts.

I am, of course, now trying hard to convince myself that I don’t have to be the FIRST person to run an Irish Kickstarter. That’s going about as well as you’d expect it to. :)

I actually went and started a project page, but I didn’t get very far before it became clear that the project–the Old Races story KISS OF ANGELS, about Grace O’Malley–was poorly suited for a Kickstarter. For one, while I imagine it as a novella, I suspect it could easily balloon into a book. A full-length book, even. Which means doing short stories as levels and incentives is…impractical.

I kind of think the way to do it would be as another Old Races Short Story Project. The goal with that was to produce half a dozen Old Races stories/roughly 30K worth of words. I suspect that’s probably more on point here: that would be the actual project, with things like an anchoring novel(la) for a collection and additional stories being stretch goals. So it’d be something like “if KISS OF ANGELS contains itself at a sensible 30K, there’ll be up to another 40K worth of short stories; if KoA ends up 60K, there might be only one more short story to fill out the collection.”

Something like that. The Old Races novels are about 125K, so that would kind of be my top end goal: I’d be willing to write somewhere between 100-125K on the project.

Of course, the other problem is that the ORSSP was a year-long project with a story delivered every other month, and that’s actually right about what I’d probably want to do with another one. Which means this could very easily be a two or even three year delivery schedule, which is…mental.

(Sorry, talking out loud to myself here, thinking things through.)

Maybe I should just do another ORSSP straight-up. Launch in October, end in November, first story delivered in January, etc. Because that was a really fun project, and didn’t require an anchor piece at all (because I’d written one for as a Help I Have An Emergency crowdfund project, mind you, but still). Hm.

‘course, I actually *owe* somebody an Old Races story before I launch any other sorts of projects, anyway, and I have a ton of other stuff to do as well, so I say to me: shut yo’ mouth. :)

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1 thought on “Kickstarter comes to Ireland

  1. Wheee! Thank you for sharing! (I did not thank you earlier, because this didn’t cross-post to LJ, so I did not see it until tonight!)

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