life with cats :)

Zilli valiently defends us from a neighborhood interloper:

Moments later, both cats are at the window, certain they can take ‘im if only I’d let them out:


8 thoughts on “life with cats :)

  1. Brave Zilli defender of all his domain.

    Nice catch with the action shot in the first pic!

    It’s so weird to see a tortoiseshell bobtail, when all of the JBTs I know are white with red van markings just like Zilli. :)

  2. Ha! That’ll show ’em. But aren’t they both totally gorgeous! Interloper kitty must have felt like he had been mugged by movie stars.

  3. Yus! Calico Lucy! She was not a show cat, although she won some ribbons in Best Household Pet awards. :)

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