I logged on this morning to discover that Lithera loves me! She had links to this and this, just for me! *wriggle wriggle wriggle*!
Yesterday was nice. I made pancakes and a blackberry pie, went for a walk, visited with my parents (Mom made insanely good swiss steak for dinner), and finished reading Caitlin Brennan’s THE MOUNTAIN’S CALL, which is the September Luna book and which I enjoyed hugely. I’m thinkin’ maybe I’ll try to finish up the 3 Luna books I haven’t read this week, and then I’ll have a whole month before the next one comes out! Why this matters, I donno… :)
You know, the one thing that LJ does that I’d really like to be able to do myself is the icons. I wonder if MT categories could be set with icons. Hm. I should talk to Garrett, for he is wise in the ways of MT in ways that I am not.
miles to Lothlorien: 193
Um. On your page, both links are the same. On her page, they’re different. :)
Oops. Fixed now. :)
I was wonderin’ why you sent me the same link twice.
I see what you mean about the bad hair now. Yeech. But smoochies!
Ooooh. I didn’t notice I sent it to you twice, obviously. o.o
In a completely perverse way I found myself, while looking at those pictures, wondering if a condom was enough of a barrier to prevent Rogue’s power. :)
I’m sick in the head.
An awful lot of people have wondered that before you. :)
Gives whole new meaning to the term ‘safe sex’. :)