lj icons meme

Nicked from , ’cause I thought it was even more entertaining than the interests meme. Except now I must confess to wanting to go through ALL the icons to explain them…

The rules, such as they are:

Look at your LJ userpics list….

If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one.
If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one.
If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one.
If you have fewer than ten, pick all of ’em.

List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it’s interesting to you, what significance does it have.

There are a plethora of my fandom icons on LJ. I have no idea who started them. However, the first time I saw one, I thought something to the effect of, “OMG, gotta make me one of those for big noses,” because I, er, like big noses. If I were slightly less lazy the icon would rotate through Peter Wingfield (pictured), Adrien Brody, and … possibly my husband. :)
This is just my daily life icon. It actually doesn’t get that much use anymore, though I used it a lot on the MT site. The sassy lady has been part of my site makeup for more than half a decade, and I’m awfully fond of her. I miss her, in fact, but #(%* LJ’s customization is so much a pain I haven’t really tried working her in.
This is my “thinks to do” icon. It’s from ‘s webcomic, Digger, and is the character called Shadowchild. He’s doing a little boogey-dance and I thought it was just about the coolest bit of cartoon work I’d seen in ages. I thought the energy and enthusiasm of his little dance was good for a things-to-do list. :)
Zilli-cat. Not much else to say about this one, I think.
My nephew Breic, with ice cream on his nose. I love this picture a lot. There’s a bigger version of it here.
*giggle* This is my “eww!” icon. Seirid was testing out ice cream, and it made him make awful faces because it was GOOD but it was COLD and he wasn’t sure what he thought about that, so I was making an anticipatory “augh” face as he tried it again. :)
I did not like the movie Jerry Maguire. I mean, it was okay, but I totally did not get why people went so mad over it. I did, however, like the, “You had me at hello,” line very much.

I did not expect X-Men to be a good movie. Nobody did. So when, early in the film, we’re at the bar in Canada and Wolvie’s got the one guy up against the wall and has braced his head with two claws, ready to pop the third, and the second guy comes up with a shotgun…

…well. We all know what happens in this scene. We’ve all seen this scene a million times in the movies. What happens in this scene is that the hero backs down, because hey, he’s the hero and there’s no way out of this without somebody getting dead. So that’s what I’m sitting there in the theatre anticipating.


From there on out, X-Men, as a film, *had* me. Because *that* was a Wolverine Moment.

And that’s the scene the icon is from. It’s two seconds after Wolvie’s sliced the shotgun apart. And he had me at hello.

The last icon that actually comes up is another Wolverine one, so I skipped that and am using this one instead. It’s an Ed Benes sketch of Wonder Woman with Superman in the background, and although I don’t actually know this, I assume it’s representing the emotional state of those two characters after the events of Infinite Crisis, because that’s what it looks like to me. (That was deliberately obscure to avoid a huge spoiler. If somebody wants to know what the spoiler is, lemme know and I’ll email you.) It’d be a better icon with that text if Batman were also represented in the artwork, but he’s not. Anyway, the picture just made me think of the Jim Steinman song, “Lost Boys & Golden Girls”, so I made an icon with it.

I could do this all day! In fact, on the offhand chance there are any of my icons you want to know the story on, lemme know and I’ll tell you. :)

5 thoughts on “lj icons meme

  1. Is that because you’ll be there? *grin*

    Dude. I would love to hang out with you for a few days in Austin. You have a hotel room already? Would the Ted be going?

    Hmmm. Hmmm, I say. Greg has airlines miles that he must use Quite Soon, otherwise they go away. HMMMMMMM.

    I wonder, if I bring my massage chair, if I could get away with it as a business expense? *grin* Of if you, as a client, would be enough to write off the trip for. HMMMMMM.

  2. We don’t have a hotel room yet. Whether we go depends largely on how much I get written in the next 3 weeks, though I think the tendency is to say fuckit and go one way or another. And yeah, Ted’ll be going.

    I have *no doubt* I could recruit people who’d be happy to give you some small amount of money for massages (writers: not a lot known for rolling in dough). If you actually wanted to *work* while there I could contact the con and ask what might be necessary for you to do that. Might not be anything, I donno!

    HMMMMM! :)

  3. If you actually wanted to *work* while there I could contact the con and ask what might be necessary for you to do that.

    Well, I’d much rather just hang out and go do con stuff (I’ve only been to the San Diego ComiCon a couple of years ago, and I worked that, as well–but not massage), but working a couple of hours a day would allow me to write it off. Which would be the only way I’d be able to /afford/ to go.

    However, if you’d contact the con and see what they say, that’d certainly bring me one step closer! *cheerful grin*

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