Ok, the name has been dropped on the Jim Butcher forums so I am damned well taking that as carte blanche to SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Ardian Syaf, the artist I’ve been working with on Chance, is GOING TO BE THE DRESDEN ARTIST!

I heard about the Dresden comic early enough to be able to say, “Er, do they have an artist? Because I know this really talented guy…” Jenn sent the Dabel Bros Ardian’s deviantart gallery, and the next thing any of us knew they wanted to talk to him and he was doing concept sketches!

So, of course, I threatened Jim with bodily harm if he chose poorly, but I suspect Ardian’s talent and willingness to work with comments went miles further than my puff-up, puff-up routine. :) On Saturday Ardian emailed to let me know he got the contract, and I have been going OH! MY! GOD! with glee every since.

This is the best damned scenario working with Ardian could have come up with, as far as I’m concerned. I knew literally the moment I opened the email from him with his audition pieces for Chance a year and a half ago that he had the talent to hit the big time and my dearest hope was that I could in some way help that to happen. This couldn’t be better. I am so. *Incredibly*. Happy!

What it means for Chance, for those of you who are interested: Ardian will be completing the first 6 issues, at least (issues 1-4 are done in pencils, and issue 1 is done entirely). Whether his schedule (or my pocketbook) will allow him to work on the story beyond that is up in the air, but he’ll do at least that story arc that we’ve agreed on. I would dearly. Dearly. *Love*. To have him continue, obviously, but we’ll see what happens.

*rattles around with joy* *beams and beams and beams*


  1. *grin* When you burst the bubble about the Dresden files but held back this little bit o’ news, I had a feeling that this would be it.

    Good on Jim. Good on Arden. Good on you for putting the two together. :)

    *squeees with you*

  2. I find out the bestest literary news on your blog! I didn’t know there was a Dresden comic in the works!

    Bestest luck to Chance!

  3. That’s awesome!

    What I really hope (and I’m sure it’s crossed your mind) is that after such a high profile gig, people will know him, and it’ll be easy to sell Chance. A moderately recognizable author with some following, and an up and coming artist with a popular comic, sounds worth a Chance to me. :-)

  4. Right on! It’ll be interesting indeed to see what he does with Harry. :)

  5. Two words. Finder’s fee. ;)

    Way to be an integral part of something totally cool!

    Q             E
    U             U
    E             Q

  7. And now you can say ‘Chance? Oh, the artist is the guy who did Dresden Files…’

  8. I don’t know who Ardian is, but this sounds awesome. :) Congrats!

    On the OT side, I just finished the second book in your series in the shortest length of time I’ve finished a book in a long time. I used to regularly read books at this speed before my brain surgeries. These days, I’m lucky if I finish them at all. Yours? I finished it in three days or so, with a few hours’ reading per day.

    I also ordered the rest of the series.

  9. Well, that’s quite the compliment. Thank you. *beam* I hope you like the rest of them!

  10. You are very welcome, and deserve every bit of it! You’ve got me actually reading novels again that I haven’t read at least once before. I found that reading novels I’d previously read helped with the retention of what I’d already read. Though, if I’d read them too many times, or too recently, I’d start remembering what happened before I got there, so yeah…

  11. BTW, I’m on book three now. Your icon prompted me to mention that. I think it’s taken me an average of 2 or 3 days to get through each book so far. I’m purposefully spacing out my reading and limiting the duration of sessions on the current book, since it is the last one of those I found on Amazon. Maybe the second to last, I don’t recall for sure. Anyway, I need it to last longer than the others have so far. ;)

  12. Here I was thinking you were hiding news on your comic and I WAS RIGHT. It was cleverly disguised as an lj tag on the right hand side of my screen by the label “Chance.” Very tricky of you Mrs Catie Murphy, very tricky indeed.

    You did good for Ardian. He’s (obviously) super talented and deserved a big break.

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