
Have reached Mines of Moria and am snacking on apples and cheese as suggested by fellow hobbit, Jen. Gandalf is smug for he opened doors with silly Elven Elfin Elfen fucking riddle. Who speaks Elvish anyway these days. Their time is over. Haven’t they read the books?

miles to Lothlorien: 340!

6 thoughts on “moria!

  1. Drat! You’re gaining distance on me. I haven’t been walking enough, and you’ve gotten 22 miles further ahead in the past 6 weeks. I’m gonna have to walk faster!

  2. I thought that, too. But I was more concerned with the fact that I’m *never* going to catch up to you if you keep pulling farther ahead. Maybe I should throw a bolo and trip you, and then while you’re untangling yourself I can run and catch up. (:

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