I just got a look at myself in the mirror and thought, “Huh, I’m having a Nicole Kidman kind of day,” and then thought, “What the hell does that mean?” and then thought, “It means my hair is in my face.”
This is all Aberdeen’s fault, somehow.
It is waaaaining and waaaaining and waaaaining here. Ok, actually, it’s stopped now, but when I got up it was waining and waining, and I thought I’d be stuck in the house all day. Instead I shall be forced to go walking and biking after all. But not until I’ve printed out TBF to get started on revisions.
I finished ebear’s SCARDOWN last night. There was one line that was so cool I had to stop halfway through the book to email her to say how cool it was, and another one that was 100% pure Cassieclaire geek that made me laugh out loud. :) Aside from those pure recognizeable geek moments, though, it was simply a terrific book, with more than one heart-wrenching, awful, perfect moment. I was very, very pleased with it, and am really looking forward to the final installment in the trilogy.
This morning my mouse randomly stopped working, so I had to go get a new one. And a new printer cartridge and a pen for signing books, because the paper in US makes all the pens I’ve got stop working, and some paper because I didn’t have enough to print TBF on.
It’s not quite 10:30 and I’m starving. Meow. Meow. Meow.
Hello! I got (finally! I’ve been waiting for a week now) and read Urban Shaman last night. Oh it was wonderful, I soooo enjoyed it.
What an interesting blend of myths and what a intriguing protagonist. I loved your descriptions of the metaphysical stuff.
Hats off to you!
Oh! I’m glad you liked it! *beam* I had a great time writing it, and the positive feedback is making me quite cheerful about revisions on the next book. Thanks! :)
I read that as “…my muse randomly stopped working”, which was quite alarming!
Eee! That would be alarming! I’d be in trouble!
…sure, and don’t tell me what the geek line was. *g*
(Thank you, by the way.)