Not dead!
Very bloody sleepy, though. I think I must’ve walked about 5 miles yesterday, up and down Fisherman’s Wharf three times and all around and stuff before and after that.
Dinner with Sarah was fun. We ended up going to the Hard Rock Cafe on the pier, which I don’t think was there last time I was, and the food was fine and the company excellent. And then we trundled back down to Ghiradelli Square for ice cream, but you wanna know the truth of the matter? Hot Licks’ Prudhoe ice cream and hot fudge and raspberry sauce is unquestionably superior to Ghiradelli’s chocolate ice cream hot fudge sundae. Unnnnquestionably. :)
Sarah gave me a perfectly gorgeous shaman’s rattle for my birthday. I’ll take a picture of it when I get home. It’s amazing. Wow. O.O
Work’s the same. Nobody knows what’s going on and everybody’s saying how they don’t know what’s going on. I want to talk some more about it but I’ve got to actually do work, of all the silly ideas. Barb and I are working on Q2 stuff and I’m actually learning things, which is nice.
HEY! I made it to Rivendell! *falls right over!*
miles to Rivendell: FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY EIGHT!!!!
Yay for Catie in Rivendell!!
*waves from the forest of Bree-land*
Congratulations! I’m a little behind you on the road. I only have 446 miles left to Rivendell :)
*giggles at TiI* Well, I have about 472 miles to get to Lothlorien, so I feel your pain. *laugh*