not v. walkful, but good

It was not a very walkful weekend, but other than that, it was good. We went to Chronicles of Riddick Saturday, and while I felt it was a little slow, overall I enjoyed it. I can’t help it: I’m a sucker for Vin Diesel. I’m also a sucker for the character archetype he plays, which, in all the movies I’ve seen him in, has been The Reluctant Hero (I haven’t seen Pitch Black, but I get the impression that’s basically what he’s playing there, too, and I haven’t seen, uh, Fast and the Furious, and I donno about it, but still). I certainly hope they make more, because the story didn’t so much end as stop, and I wanna see what happens.

Let’s see. I still haven’t vacuumed the upstairs and I haven’t worked on my shelves, but the bathroom is sparkly clean and I made bread yesterday, so those are good things. And the laundry’s done except for the last load, which I’ll do, and now that it’s off the floor where it’d been sorted to, I *can* vacuum. :)

I gymmed yesterday! Yay me! V. pleased with myself for that. :) And Ted and I rented Knockaround Guys and Timeline, the former of which was not at all what I expected it to be, but which turned out to be pretty good, and the latter of which was quite a lot better than I expected. Plus the trebuchets were really awesome.

I have not done Any Writing At All. Must remedy that. :)

Oh! I did, however, finish reading Australian author Jennifer Fallon’s Lion of Senet last night, and it is hands down the best ‘random buy in the bookstore’ that I’ve picked up in *ages*. I liked it as much as Carol Berg’s books, which I did not pick up randomly; I think the last thing I picked up randomly that I liked this much was Mark Anthony’s Beyond the Pale (name of the series is escaping me). In other words, I recommend this book. The books are all out in Australia and I’m hoping they’ve just been put out here lickity-split so I can go get the rest of them. Tor’s putting out another series of hers in hardback, too.

Thinks I’ll do today that’re good for me: eat 1-2 froots, walk 2-3 miles.

miles to Lothlorien: 33

2 thoughts on “not v. walkful, but good

  1. My take on Vin Diesel in “Pitch Black” is less ‘the reluctant hero’ as ‘the reluctant anti-hero’. It’s hard to explain. He’s not a good guy. He’s actually quite a bad guy. He just happens to have one redeeming moment late in the film to save him from complete selfishness.

  2. Yeah, that was actually more what I’d gotten the impression his character was, but my sentence had already gotten very long. :)

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