Oh, I just remembered the great sports commentator during the … I don’t know. Sports update thing on the news this weekend. They were talking about a baseball player, and for some reason the commentator said, “Suspended animation,” and then, *compulsively*, I swear, added, “A state of bliss,” which is a line from Pink Floyd’s song “Learning to Fly”. I was delighted. Hee hee hee! (I really need to get that album.)
can’t take my eyes from the circling skies
tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I
If it was on ESPN, I would be completely unsurprised if the sports commentator was John Buccigross, who is *the* biggest pop culture reference person I’ve ever seen. He *loves* music, and fits it into his reporting a *lot*.
I don’t know what it was on, ’cause it was at my in-laws who have the Scariest Satellite TV Ever, and I wouldn’t know what station it was on if God himself came down and told me which one it was. But it may very well have been ESPN. :) Whomever it was and whatever station it was, I was *delighted*. :)
However, you should get the album anyway.