Ok, that was fun. :) Irene, the New Orleans interviewer, had read the book and was very enthusiastic about it (yay!) and delighted to hear there are going to be more books in the series. *laugh* She asked some good questions about how I got started writing and how the idea for the book came about and that kind of thing, and said her daughter was disappointed to not be there ’cause she’d read it too, so it was all around a lot of fun. :)
Then the second call, to Wichita Falls, the guy I’d been scheduled with was no longer with the station (!) and so the woman I interviewed with didn’t even know I was going to call, I think, but we winged it and it went pretty well. I told her a few key things about the book before we went on the air, and she ran with it very nicely. So that was fun, too, if not quite what was expected. :)
Next interview in 30 minutes. This is fun. :)
Go, famous author C. E. Murphy!
Sounds like a whirlwind but yay that you’re having fun!
Cool, now conquer TV, since doing well with Radio. Have Fun. Smile ’til jaw hurts.