orange skies

Must, must, *must* start laundry as soon as I’m done with this entry.

The skies are orange this morning, with shadows blocked out on my walls in a delicate peach that suggests curling up in warmth and comfort, not wildfires ranging three hundred miles north of me.

I’ve redyed my stripe back to brown and cut off the anime flips. We’ll see if this is enough change to keep me from cutting my hair; it certainly seems different to *me*.

Ted and I were going to go see The Terminal last night, but dinner took longer than expected, so we rented five (!) movies and watched a couple of them instead. One was the animated Riddick story, the name of which is escaping me, and the other one we watched was Chasing Liberty, which was pretty cute. About a President’s daughter who’s fed up with her over-protected life. :)

We also got, let’s see. Oh, Absalon, with Ron Perlman and Lou Diamond Phillips and Christopher Lambert, I think. As we keep saying every time we think of it, “*That* can’t be good.” But we’ll probably enjoy it. :) And I rented The Cooler with William Macy, ’cause I really want to see that, and we got another romcom, I think. I can’t remember. Shaun won’t be home this evening (he’s got gaming) so we thought we’d watch a couple movies together. :)

Still headachy and still haven’t written. Intend to remedy the latter, at least, today, though.

miles to Lothlorien: 111.5

2 thoughts on “orange skies

  1. OOOOOO! Yes, I was behind in reading your posts… but I like the pic! Is it you? It is very much the type of picture I would have hanging on my wall.

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