orange skies

Must, must, *must* start laundry as soon as I’m done with this entry. The skies are orange this morning, with shadows blocked out on my walls in a delicate peach that suggests curling up in warmth and comfort, not wildfires ranging three hundred miles north of me. I’ve redyed my stripe back to brown and cut off the anime flips. We’ll see if this is enough change to keep me from cutting my hair; it certainly seems different to *me*. Ted and I were going to go see The Terminal…

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banner day

It’s been a good day! I got email from Barb telling me that I got a raise, and I’m now making, officially, More Money Than I Ever Imagined I Would. Okay, the truth is as long as I’ve had this job I’ve been making MMTIEIIW, but still, raises are good! Earlier today, Shaun was playing a game with Zilli. It’s a game they play fairly regularly. Shaun over-exaggeratedly sneaks up on Zilli, making claws with his hands and growling each time he takes one very deliberate step. When he’s done…

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a novel idea

Here’s a novel idea for you: my new alarm clock apparently hasn’t got a snooze button. It turns on, and if you hit the ‘sleep’ button, it turns back off again and doesn’t turn on again until the next day. How’s that for crazy? What’s the world coming to, I ask you? I don’t think I’ve ever *owned* a (digital, at least) alarm clock that didn’t have a snooze. This is clearly going to take some getting used to!

rock on!

Oh, rock on. Hooray for Google! I discovered last Friday that my booklist file had somehow gotten chomped and I’d lost the list of everything I’d read after the 20th of June, which was the last Google cache I could find for it. I reconstructed the list just now, but on a whim went to see if Google’d cached a more recent version, and indeed, they had! I lost nothing at all! Hooray for Google! (Although I did properly reconstruct the list, I discovered after comparing the list I’d put…

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Smug. *Exceedingly* smug.