! I fit into all my size 14 jeans! All 3 pair! !!!
I love the internet.
I love the internet sooooo much. Jo drives a 1969 Mustang, and what I don’t know about them fills volumes. So I went and found a 1969 Mustangs site and put a bunch of questions to them on the forums, and despite me being VERY NERVOUS about doing this (I’m not sure why) someone answered with all the answers I needed, plus *pictures*, and told me if I had more questions to go right ahead and ask. *foolish grin*
just stuff
130 pages left to go on the re-edit. Is it a good or a bad sign that I don’t hate the book? I’m a little tired of it, but there are parts that still make me laugh. I’ve had another couple of epiphanies about how to flesh things out and bring them around (causing me to write notes like, “CATIE, YOU IDIOT, USE THIS AT THE END” on the manuscript), and I just went through a bit that I remember distinctly thinking, “Ok, I’m too tired of this section to…
oh my oh my
Oh my, oh my. Shaun’s daddy just called to tell us that he’s sending a package of fresh frozen cod up to us, and he threatens that the next package will be *swoon* king crab. We’ve still got–scallops? I can’t remember. No, shrimp! Frozen in the stand-up (as I call it) freezer. Hm, if the weather gets nicer this weekend maybe I can talk Ted into grilling a bunch of shrimp. I believe Shaun’s parents’ll be here, and my parents, and Emily’s in town, and we can get Coby to…
cooooold and naaaasty
It is cooooold and nasty out, and yet I’m in quite a good mood. I have a Whole Bunch of work to get done today, so expect it to be generally pretty quiet on the western front, but I thought I’d at least post to say I’m alive. It’s AAAALIIIIIIIIIIVE!