chicken. headless. bwock.

Yesterday was insanely busy. Well, it felt insanely busy, anyway. I wrote a bunch of new stuff for ch. 7->8, although I didn’t finish it (fnrt), cleaned the kitchen and made mac&cheese for lunch, and then Ted and I went out and ran around doing stuff for what seemed like a very long time indeed. Got a head halter lead thingy for Chanti, so I’ll try putting that on her and taking her out for a little tiny walk later today. Got a different sort of cat food for Zilli…

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feeling chipper!

Feeling pretty cheerful this morning. Ted and I went to see Hellboy a second time last night, and I think I might’ve liked it more the second time than the first! We also went and saw Ella Enchanted, which was not good all the way up to the end, which pushed it right over into being bad. Yow. I was very glad we’d paid matinee prices. o.O Fiiiiiiinally did some more writing this morning. Chapter 7 is Entirely New. Furthermore, I have cleverly figured out how to make the original…

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good and bad!

Ted made splendid steaks and baked potatoes for dinner, for about mmm a third? of the cost that the same meal would’ve cost at Lone Star. Let’s hear it for eating at home. :) Deirdre’s FBR paperwork got here yesterday, in an envelope which FedEx had managed to completely drench. Fortunately it was a cardboard envelope, or instead of being merely Very Damp the paperwork inside it would’ve been destroyed. I’m lookin’ at the penmanship on the certificate and I’m pretty sure that’s the sort of ink that would run…

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up again, down again

Once more with the webpage being down. This time…well. They said to go change the name servers with your registrar, and then to wait about a day and a half and then ask them to move the files over to a new server, which I did, except it sort of looks like the DNS change went through faster than is typical. *crossed eyes* Anyway, so I emailed them and said please transfer my site, and so hopefully I’ll be back up sometime today. In the meantime, writing myself a little…

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geni’s moose

As I was on the phone with Geni just now, Shaun pointed out the moose snoozing in the back yard. Here, then, is Geni’s moose!