Good morning, everybody! It’s been an exciting morning. Sarah and I are apparently such dreadful people we’ve driven somebody off two mailing lists and caused her to resign from the Writer’s Weekend conference. The power! THE POWER! AHAHAHAHAHAH. Ahem. I finished the last book of the Carol Berg trilogy last night; it was, like the others, very good, although probably my least favorite of the three. Some of the things that happened did surprise me, though, so that’s good. :) And although I felt like I should’ve worked on TQB…
*LAUGH* HEY! *LAUGH*! *LAUGH*! How’d they know? *LAUGH*! Magister Mundi sum! “I am the Master of the Universe!” You are full of yourself, but you’re so cool you probably deserve to be. Rock on. Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
chernobyl ride
As Trip said, everybody’s linked to this, but so will I: Ghost Town. Photoessay by a Russian (Ukranian? Her address is in the Ukraine) motocyclist whose favorite place to ride is through the Chernobyl wastelands. It’s quite powerful.
I don’t like being condescended to. -.- Which reminds me that I rewrote a sentence this morning and it ended with ‘of’ and I was obliged to type, ‘bastard!’ after it, which is funny if you’re me. :) But then I rewrote the sentence again so it ended with neither ‘of’ nor ‘bastard’. :) Went to the chiro last night and got my back popped. It was crunchy to the point of being humorous. I think the only vertebrae in my entire spine that didn’t pop were in my neck,…
new jim byrnes!
New Jim Byrnes album! I am weak, and I have purchased it. Along with the bags below. I have spent my allowance for the week. Oops. Well, ok, the bags are an MKP purchase so they’re a writeoff, but still. Oops. :)