I went to bed last night and my mind starting going *churn churn churn* on this book and I tried to store the thoughts away for this morning, because they were good thoughts but I didn’t want to stay up all night writing them. I’m not sure if I stored them all well enough, but I managed to hang on to some of them, and consequently got 1500 words written this morning and although I still feel that I’ve got a whole lot of work to do on this book,…
out of the house, yay!
Got out of the house for the first time since Saturday. o.o Working at home has its perks, but man. The whole housebound thing can really get on my nerves sometimes. It wasn’t actually so bad this time because I’ve been *sick* and not inclined to do anything, but still. Blah. So Ted and I went to dinner at TGIFriday’s, which was fine, and bought new milk because ours had soured, and that’s about it. Went to the comic shop, but there were no comics. Snif. It’s amazing how much…
feeling better
Feeling a lot better today, which may or may not have something to do with having gone to bed at 10 minutes to 8 last night. Still a bit snorfly, but generally a lot better. Sarah pointed me at this site, a conference called Mythic Journeys, which is convening for the first time this June. It looks incredibly interesting. Some authors I admire hugely will be there — Jane Yolen, Guy Gavriel Kay, (also Robert Holdstock, author of Mythago Woods, which I mistakenly held against Charles deLint for some fifteen…
stupid *stupid* rat creature
God damn it. I am a stupid, *stupid* rat creature. Know how I mentioned I’d cleaned my desk on… whatever day that was? Yeah, well, I cleaned all our 2003 tax stuff right into the garbage. God *damn* it. It’s not that much of a travesty. I’ve been able to get 75% of the information I needed off the net and the rest of it through some phone calls or emails (except Ted’s stupid former company won’t ANSWER THE PHONE), but god *damn* it.
odd dreams
I had some sort of odd dreams this morning, including that I was sort of semi-dating Adrian Paul (hey, it’s a rough job, but somebody’s gotta do it!), who was working at a local comic shop. There was some kind of Highlander contest going on, only the only way you could win was if Adrian sold you the trading cards, which I thought was sort of ridiculous, and I’d already bought some cards, and one of the other comic shop guys accused me of wanting to get close to Adrian…