Friday. Didn’t get up to write. Am grumpy. :P
you know…
You know how I said I was aiming for such and so? I should just not say that, when it comes to writing, because it’s a kiss of death. I keep not only not making the mark when I post I’ve got one to make, but I also seem to just not write at all. I’m too tired to care today, or something. It was very busy and stupid at work. But I did go to the gym. ytd miles biked: 5
Whew! Contract is not lost in the mail, but rather had to go back for some further negotiations. That’s cool, I just like knowing where it is. :) Other than that, had more epiphanies last night about the state of this book, and I’m suddenly getting all the threads tied together. The last question is whether or not it’s going to end where I think it’s going to or … if it’s not. :) I thought I was on the last day, story-wise. There might be one or even two…
gym, writing, stuff
*yawn* Went to the gym, yay me! Had a pretty nice workout, in fact. I needed it. We went to dinner at Aladdin’s because I was too starved to wait the hour and a half it’d take to cook ribs, and then trundled home where I sat down to write some more. Ended up with a total of 2800 words for the day, 2500 of which were useable, so overall I’m pretty pleased with that. And I’ve fixed the Horrible Mistake which was slowing me down, and I had a…
an assortment of things
Wah. No contract. Must email Jennifer. Email at work today announcing the merger between my parent company, AdvancePCS, and Caremark, has been approved by the FTC, which means… not a great deal to me personally. Eventually when the deal closes it’ll mean some retention bonus money here and there, which is always nice. I ate a truffle after lunch and spent the next forty minutes or so fighting with cravings for more sugar-sweet stuff. I discussed it some with Starling, whose theory is that cravings are triggered by eating something…