
Borrowed from . Suggest to me: 1. A movie. 2. A book. 3. A musical artist, song, or album. 4. An LJ user not on my friends list. 5. Something to do in the next two months.


WOO!!!! Jennifer Jackson requested a partial manuscript from Sarah! YAAAAY SARAH! YAAAAAAAAAY! *dancie dancie dance*!


I have fetched a pitcher, filled it with water, and gotten myself a coffee mug. Now to use these three things in conjunction. My damned shoulder hurts this morning. All the way down through my pinky. :P Maybe the water will help some, since the aspirin doesn’t seem to have. Thinks to do today: call dance studios, don’t eat too much.


Smug me. Blew through 1150 words in 45 minutes this morning. Finished the rewrite of ch. 15. I think I’ve completely rewritten, let’s see. At least 4 chapters now. 14-15 are entirely new, so is 9, more than half of 13 is new, chunks of 12 are new. I was thinking that ch. 16 might be partly old and partly new, but now I’m thinking again. I might not get to re-amalgamating the original 15 and 16 until maybe as late as 18 or 19. Ch. 16 is unlikely to…

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Ok, so one of the reasons I wanted to buy a drawing tablet is because I want to work more on my 1000 drawings project, and I spend enough time at the computer that the two things seemed like they should perhaps go hand in hand. I might get more than one drawing done a week this way. Of course, because it’s an entirely new medium, I’m not exactly going to be producing works of genius, and if I manage to learn to do more than line drawings this year,…

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