
Did I really not update today? Wow. How’d that happen? Oh, no, wait, I did, it’s still the 8th. Heh. Ahem. :) Went to the gym again tonight. *waves a little flag* Walked 3 miles, and did some floor exercises and hoo boy are my thighs stiff and sore tonight. And did some weights, although I don’t really feel like going through the bother of recording what-all I did, so I’m, er, not going to. Upper-body stuff, anyway. Saw Dad at the gym; he’s been going pretty regularly. Yay Dad!…

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My website was down much of yesterday, so no updaties. But I finally went to the gym! And, er, the weight room was closed. But I walked 3 miles and did 75 crunches and did some barre exercises and some floor exercises and my back is muscle-sore this morning, instead of bone-sore, and that’s a nice change. I did not, however, get up and write. Too much sleeping in this weekend and too much going to bed late last night. Today I need to get ch. 10 edited, although I…

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my day :)

My day: (more pictures here and here) I also made a lot of candy and did a lot of Christmas shopping. :)

sarah’s fault

This is entirely Sarah’s fault. (Taken from the very silly picassohead site.)

good grief

Ok, Laura’s going to kill me, because there’s been no walking, but I did finish the QB chapter, and it’s 7300 words long. My brain is going to explode. I wrote 3800 words today. *collapses* ytd wordcount: 233,700