Ok, well, Trip logged in this evening and mumbled about writing and I said I’d write some more if he did and he went off to write so I wrote some more and erm, managed another 900 words, which puts me at 3K for the day, and which puts this damned chapter at five. thousand. words. And I’m NOT DONE YET. Although the end is in sight. Although, again, I was thinking 900 words ago that it was in sight within 12-1500 words, and now I’m thinking another 1000, so……
well, not glorious
Well, not glorious, but quite a lot better than a kick in the teeth. I got 300 words or so written on TQB, putting my daily total at 2100. I want to finish this chapter, dammit. It’s 4100 words long and while the end is in sight, it’s still a goodly distance off. And a great deal of drek needs to be replaced with good bits, yet. I’m going to stagger around for a while if I end up with a 7K chapter. Never done /that/ before. The peach jam…
At about 5:15 this morning I woke up (my alarm’s set for 5:30) and thought, “nnngh. Maybe I don’t wanna get up, even if I’m awake. Nngh. ‘course, I gotta pee. Maybe I can ignore it. (three minutes pass) Nope. Can’t ignore it. Might as well get up.” So up I got. The decent thing about getting up that early is that I don’t feel in the slightest bit bad for sitting there in the shower until I decide I feel functional enough to get out and face the day.…
— (stolen from ) 1. A body of water, smaller than a river, contained within relatively narrow banks? a creek, unless it’s really small, and then it’s a stream 2. What the thing you push around the grocery store? grocery cart 3. A metal container to carry a meal in? a lunchbox 4. The thing that you cook bacon and eggs in? a frying pan 5. The piece of furniture that seats three people? a couch 6. The device on the outside of the house that carries rain off the…
ha cha cha
My hands are *freezing*. Brrr. And it’s warmed up today, so I donno what’s up with that! Good writing day today. I didn’t get up early enough to make 1K on TB, but I made 1200 on TQB, so it was a good writing day. I’m going to hit 5K on this QB chapter before I even /fix/ it. I’m at like 3800 words already. Sheesh! Also, I broke 225K written this year, today! Yay! ytd wordcount: 226,900 Heather’s miles to Rivendell: 352