Oork. Ootch. Owtch. 2 hours of driveway shoveling. I think I shall treat myself to a bath tonight. I have begged off on the rest and left Ted to do the detail work. Goodness, but he’s a lot stronger than I am. I’d been hacking up packed snow for a long time, and I went and got him to move the big snow chunks ’cause they were too heavy for me to keep moving forward, and he did and then he got the ice pick and went BRRRROOOOOOOOWWWWW! through more…
busy so far
Busy day so far. I got up at the crack of dawn, which happens to be around a quarter to 9 these days, and did some work on TB, which is to say, I got to ch. 8, which is the one I have to throw out entirely, and wrote some doodly notes about what I thought might happen instead. I couldn’t put my chair back in my book nook, because I needed to vacuum it and people were still sleeping, and so I couldn’t write, so instead I made…
wow. very tired.
Wow. Very tired. We had a really nice afternoon out at Eric and Janelle’s, and I have eaten way, way too much. Now I have to get right back into the habit of not eating too much, which I was doing nicely at for a couple of weeks there, between the book deal and the being ill. And as of tomorrow I have to get back on the road to Rivendell, although I’m not going to make it by the 17th. There was a letter from the IRS today saying,…
nice day!
Boy, it turned out to be a very nice day. Ted and I went and watched Brother Bear, which was pretty good, and we bobbled by the comic shop, and the art gallery called us to tell us some of the artwork we’d brought over to be framed was done, and the X-Women print turned out *gorgeously*. Very happy! *beam* Then in the mail today I got a congratulations card from my Aunt Ardie for selling US and its two sequels. *beam* It’s got a Thoreau quote on the front:…
Eeeeexcellent. The Ginormous Manuscript Package got delivered to Jennifer’s address this morning, so presumably she’ll have a chance to pick it up sometime after the holiday weekend, and that’s good. I’m working on typing in the edits to HoS, and I’ve got about, um, a quarter, of the TB manuscript edited. Well, a quarter of the half that’s written, so it’s like an eighth, but don’t be picky. I haven’t gotten to the slash and burn part of the editing yet. Stupid rewrites. (Stupid orcs.) It snowed about 6 inches…