ye gods.

Ye gods. I have just put together a 785 page package to send to Jennifer. For those of you who ever might need to know: the 8 5/8thx11.25×4 inch mailing boxes that you can buy at Office Depot will hold 800 pages of manuscript. Well, they’ll hold 785; I’m taking the other 15 pages on faith. This thing weighs a *ton*. And it’s only two books! I need to do some rewrites on the third one before I send it! Ye gods! Ye gods and little *fishes*. If I ever…

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I have next week *off*! My plan is to write. I’m going to pretend I’m a full-time writer, which means when I get up in the morning I have to go turn on the laptop, not the desktop, and make my quota (which I’m setting at 4K a day) before I do much of anything else. I also want to spend some time (in the afternoons after doing the bulk of the daily writing) doing rewrites, probably on HEART OF STONE, because it’s in the worst shape and I want…

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more meme stuff

Apparently I’m avoiding work today. first real kiss: Tom B., on the flight back from New York City. Explains my irrational fondness for the Peter Allen song ‘The Best That You Can Do’. first job: That paid? Babysitting the Gagner kids when I was 12. Volunteer? Kenai Library when I was 9 and 10. first screen name: Katanya. Velvet. Storyteller. One of those. first self-purchased album: No idea at all. first piercing: ears, age 11. first true love: Rodney. first big trip: Um. Trips to Kenny Lake. First trip Outside…

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friday five

1. List five things you’d like to accomplish by the end of the year. Sell ANGLES. Lose 10 pounds. Finish the rough drafts for the Zodiac series. Finish THUNDERBIRD FALLS. Edit HEART OF STONE. 2. List five people you’ve lost contact with that you’d like to hear from again. Anne Kurka. Jim Smith. Gwen Lewis. Ali-from-6th-grade-whose-last-name-I-can’t-remember. We called her Daddy Longlegs because she was very tall. Barak Humphrey. 3. List five things you’d like to learn how to do. Play guitar. Play tin whistle. Speak Gaelic. Paint. Fly a plane.…

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Revenge Of The Pizza

No. More. Pizza. *Ever*. Ted and I went to Bear Tooth and had pizza last night. I only had ONE PIECE, for pity’s sake. And yet from the hours of 3am to 6am, there was the Revenge Of The Pizza. I shall spare you the details. Suffice it to say we got up late today. -.- In more cheery news, there’s two inches of new snow on the ground! In less cheery news, Ted’s directions to the place his class was supposed to meet today were bad, and so instead…

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