I was a good Kit, and went to the RWA meeting, which was actually pretty fun. I only stayed an hour, which was longer than I intended to, but there were a lot of people there with a lot of works-in-progress to talk about, so it took longer than I expected. Ted was very patient and waited for me. I have an awfully nice husband. He also made me a mushroom swissburger for dinner. You can’t beat that, I tell you. It’s been a productive day, as far as writing…

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I slept, as predicted. Well, at least I lay in bed and was warm and still and only semi-conscious. I wasn’t exactly asleep, but that’s okay. Then I got up and wrote another 2000 words, which means I made my quota for the day! WOO! ytd wordcount: 223,500 NNWM wordcount: 10,226 (not doing so good there!)

it’s off!

It’s off! The Ginormous Manuscript Package is in the mail to Jennifer, and… boy am I vacant. Head colds are no fun. Okay. *stares around brainlessly* Okay, I think my plan is to go nap for 90 minutes or so, get up and eat something, and write another 2K. Then… well. Then typing in edits on HoS, if my brain can handle it. Dropped some fudge by the comic shop, where only Christopher was working. Nobody else showed up today. He looked a little frazzled, but delighted about the fudge.…

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Off to a fine start this morning. I got up, almost despite myself, at about a quarter to six or so, took a really long shower, put the dog out and admired the two new inches of snow, then sat down and wrote 2000 words. Wow, go me! So here it is 8:30 in the morning and I’m halfway to my daily writing goal! Pretty good for somebody with a cold in her head!


Whew. We got more Christmas shopping done today, and I edited HEART OF STONE. It’s actually in better shape than I expected it to be. I don’t think I can face typing edits in tonight, ’cause it’s too brain-numbing, but maybe tomorrow afternoon. I also read THUNDERBIRD FALLS yesterday, and to my relief there’s a story there, so I just have to sit down and work on it. So I’ll crawl out of bed tomorrow morning and do that, ’cause I DON’T HAVE TO WORK! Yaaaaay! I think I might’ve…

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