
Tor doesn’t accept multiple submissions unless you’re 1. published or 2. an agent. So Anna invited me to send the manuscript to her if Luna passes on it, but I hope I won’t have the opportunity. :) miles to Rivendell: 319.5


Tor doesn’t accept multiple submissions unless you’re 1. published or 2. an agent. So Anna invited me to send the manuscript to her if Luna passes on it, but I hope I won’t have the opportunity. :) miles to Rivendell: 319.5

awful book

I’m reading (not at this red-hot moment in time) this book, THE SHADOW OF ARARAT, by Thomas Harlan. I’m about fifty pages in, and I’m bored out of my mind. I just asked on Too if anybody’d read it, because I don’t think I want to continue if it doesn’t get better. Nobody has read it, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t get better, because the problem is in the writing, which goes something like this: “She braced herself against the spear as she kicked with her right foot. It…

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hell with it.

Hell with it. Intend upon reading/napping after work. Writing and walking will have to come tomorrow. Just too damned tired to care.


I have taken niherlas’ wife’s advice (and Sarah’s, too, for that matter), based on the fact that she (niherlas’ wife, whose name I don’t know, hence the appellation) used to work at Del Rey and presumably knows whereof she speaks, and I have called the editor who has US to ask if she’s okay with multiple submissions. However, she’s out of the office until ‘next’ Thursday. From her voice mail, I think that ‘next’ is the 6th, rather than the 13th, so I left her voice mail and hopefully I’ll…

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