
Glargh. Two rejection letters. Both from Marvel. Thank God. I think I would’ve just died if I’d gotten two rejection letters from, say, Luna and Tor today. o.o


Glargh. Two rejection letters. Both from Marvel. Thank God. I think I would’ve just died if I’d gotten two rejection letters from, say, Luna and Tor today. o.o

this is the note

This is the note I sent to the woman in charge of the writer’s group regarding the last entry: So on Saturday I was at Title Wave, and I saw the writer’s group, and I thought, “Wow, I really need to start coming to this; the participation level is way up from what I’d seen before, that’s great!” Then my friend and I sat down in the general stage area to carry on our conversation while we had breakfast before shopping. When my friend’s voice rose to a near-normal speaking…

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an unpleasant experience

So Emily and I had an Unpleasant Experience at Title Wave on Saturday. We went over to–well, I was going to do my NNWM kick-off, but then it turned out my laptop battery doesn’t work at *all* anymore–so it turned out we went to Title Wave because it was a nice way to spend some time. Anyway. We stopped at the grocery store and got doughnuts and orange juice and walked over to Title Wave and went to the general lounging area by the stage to eat and talk. Emily…

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where’s lj?

I think this is nifty! I’m trying to get all my Livejournal friends’ locations plotted on a map – please add your location starting with this form.Username:(Then get your friends to!)