I’m awake! I’m awake! Don’t eat me! ahem. Overslept a bit. Was *very* tired.
So yesterday I was walking and I had this thought. I was thinking about trying to lose weight and all that sort of thing, and how I didn’t remember having any problems at all with weight in high school, and how I ate pretty much anything I wanted, and then it hit me: I exercised at least 1.5 hours a day in high school. Often more. I swam every day and I took dance classes for half of high school and I periodically joined stupid, stupid sports like track or…
God *damn* it. I got a tax bill a couple of weeks ago to the tune of $860 still owed on my 2001 taxes because I hadn’t reported a $2400 payment from APCS, the company that bought CHI in October 2001. I never *received* a W-2 for that $2400. I /did/ receive 3, count ’em, 3, copies of my W-2 from CHI, the first two of which were wrong. Of course I can’t /prove/ that I didn’t get the W-2 because you can’t prove a negative. I can’t imagine that…
burned holes in my head
My eyes feel a bit like burned holes in my head, which is not so good, since it’s only 9am. Got up and went to the gym this morning. Woke up, in fact, at 5 to 5, when I’d been intending to wake up at 5:30. There was no sleep after that, though, so I lay there until the alarm went off and got up. Much as it sucks to wake up 35 minutes early, I think I’d rather that, and get up and gym, than wimp out. Soon I’ll…
wedding photos
The remaining wedding photos have been uploaded. They start on this page. Whew. Some of my favorites, overall: a very cute picture of Mary Anne aaah, college friends are like no others she looks like Willow talk to the hand what is politically referred to as ‘the happy couple’, but what looks to me more like ‘the idiotically beaming couple’ Ted, ’cause he’s cute :)