Ted and I went and saw TOMB RAIDER: CRADLE OF LIFE at Bear Tooth tonight. Ted kept insisting it was a 90 minute movie, and I couldn’t believe it could be, because it felt much longer. The longest 90 minutes I’d ever spent, anyway. Turns out it was 117 minutes. Now, ok, it might’ve been a 90 minute movie crammed into 117 minutes, and that might be why it felt long, but it wasn’t /actually/ 90 minutes. Whew. :) Actually, I generally liked it. Not that I had high expectations,…
I’ve decided (not that this is of any interest to anybody but myself) to stop hosting a couple-three of the domain names that I’m not using right now. They’re taking up space and more to the point, taking up little precious dollars that I’d rather spend elsewhere at the moment. So OYL and LAS are safely backed-up and now going away for a while. I’m transfering the mizkitproductions site, which I bought in a fit of energetic enthusiasm for design, to an add-on to the mizkit site, and I’m still…
*cackle* I’ve just gone through a smorgasboard of review of THE BOY FROM OZ, which opened officially last night, and I’m extremely pleased to announce that all the reviewers hit the nail on the head in their reviews, which is to say they agreed with me. Smug! :)
nooo braaaaain
Noooo braaaaaaaaaain. I have uploaded about 75 Ben-and-Laura-wedding photos to their new album. I have probably as many again to go through, but my brain has turned to jello and I am full of hate and loathing for the photo editing process from doing too much of it, so all you bloodsuckers will just have to wait a while for the rest of the photos. *staggers off to drool*
Chanti just went nuts barking, and when I went to see what the deal was, this is what I saw: More pictures here!