Two people called me on the “I’m working from home today”; one called me a smartass and the other one wanted to know where I worked from *yesterday*. :) It has been a very long couple of days at work. However, I’ve managed to reduce everything to detail work, I think, and I have another 16 hours of HTML time (probably 24, if I need it) to work out the details, so … yeah. That’s something, anyway. Chanti and I went for a little walk this afternoon when my brain…
tech group
My entire tech group has emailed in today to say they’re working from home. I also emailed in to say I was working from home. Let’s see if they get it. :)
howard dean
So I went to the Howard Dean meetup tonight, and — well, let me put it this way: I don’t think I’ve ever been in a room with that many people I wasn’t related to whose politics were so similar to mine. :) There were 16 or 18 of us — and that, for Alaska in the summertime, is a genuinely remarkable number. Everyone expressed the same frustrations with the state of the nation, with our terrifying so-called leader, with — well. You guys know the drill. There was, of…
God damn it. There is a css border type which allows you to border things with little dashes: – – – – – – – We have a site which has borders on some things made up of little (graphical) dots: …….. I am trying to design a page which will be platform-wide (ie, all of our sites will use it). It therefore needs to be adjustable so all the sites /can/ use it without mucking around much. I wish to use the – – – – – borders because…
online conversation
An online conversation today went like this: Image says “Why do they call Howard Dean’s candidacy ‘insurgent’? What is he rebelling against?” Image says “Ah. “one who acts contrary to the policies and decisions of one’s own political party”.” Trip says “And the policy and decision of the Democratic party is to hide under the covers until Bush goes away?” I thought that was a wonderful description of the Democratic party policy recently.