
Thinks to do today: 1. finish laundry 2. work on Angles 3. go biking 4. vacuum 5. clean up back yard 6. clip some lilacs for the house We went to the new Charlie’s Angels movie last night. I barely remember the first one, but my recollection is that it was obviously bad, but I was at least entertained by it. This one was just embarrassing. The only good bits, and I use good very loosely, were with Demi Moore, towards the end. Came home and I went on a…

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Thinks to do today: 1. Laundry 2. make bread 3. eat breakfast 4. call dentist 5. call hotel 6. call mortgage broker 7. drink water Last night I went on a 13 mile bike ride. It rained on me for 11.25 miles of the ride. Hnf. We watched the next several episodes of Angel, too, I think through episode 14. This season of Angel is *so* much better than the last season (the last two seasons, really) of Buffy that it pisses me off. While Joss hasn’t written many (any?)…

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wounds licked. plans formulating.

Apparently 48ish hours is more or less enough to recover from soul-crushing rejection. Although I’m still not very hungry. Hopefully the Rejection Diet will knock a few pounds off and keep ’em off, though. (Take your silver linings where you can get ’em, I guess.) The plan at the moment is to tell Anna that she may keep the HoS manuscript for another three months, to re-read, as she wanted to do that, but she may not lend it to her sisters to read, and at the end of three…

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wounds licked. plans formulating.

Apparently 48ish hours is more or less enough to recover from soul-crushing rejection. Although I’m still not very hungry. Hopefully the Rejection Diet will knock a few pounds off and keep ’em off, though. (Take your silver linings where you can get ’em, I guess.) The plan at the moment is to let her keep the manuscript for another three months, to re-read, as she wanted to do that, and at the end of three months I would like it to either be returned or destroyed. Presumably destroyed, since I…

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ok, that made me happy :)

Ok, that made me happy. Bosco’s just called to tell me that the new Ultimate Thor bust is in, and that it’s very cool (it is!) and that they’ve reserved one for me. Gooood comic shop. Goooood boys. I needed a little cheer. :)