That was an incredibly pathetic walk, but at least it was a walk. 1.5 miles, at a snail’s pace. Chanti appeared to have a good time, anyway. miles to Rivendell: 102.7
mordor, jug, stuff
To begin: My parents have this terrible habit of leaving water in their water glasses after dinner. In years of clearing the table and putting the dishes into the dishwasher, I never quite learned that I should dump their glasses over the sink before upending them over the dishwasher. At least two out of three times, and probably more like four out of five, I would flip the glass upside-down to put it into the dishwasher, and pour water all over myself. I got a splendid new water jug last…
goals: ytd
Goals: year to date. Parenthetical statements indicate # achieved in May. Words written anticipated: 166,100 achieved: 140,500 (15,870) Miles biked anticipated: 500 achieved: 283.6 (135.1) Miles swum anticipated: 48 achieved: 19.3 (1.5) Drawings drawn anticipated: 44 achieved: 13.5 (9) Books read anticipated: 35 achieved: 33 (2) Pounds lost anticipated: 12.5 achieved: +2 (-2)
very happy birthday!
Wow, what a busy day. *Very* nice birthday. I got up at 7:20 and went out to Eagle River to do the Diabetes Tour de Cure (and if you were thinking about making a donation to the ride and just happened to forget, well, heck, you can still make one through the end of June! Just click on that link!), which was really a great deal of fun. I did the 50K ride, which, according to my odometer, was 34.5 miles, which I did in 2:59:48, for an average of…
Happy birthday to MEEEEEEEEEEE! And to JANIS!