HAH. I have FINISHED the FRELLING synopsis. I hate synopses. They’re awful. I also finished chapter 11, which is not nearly so hateful. :) 50K in 30 days: 27,670 ytd wordcount: 46,300
oop. rejection.
Oop. Rejection letter from Kensington re: the Josie book. That was fast. 100% form letter, photocopied on greying paper, not even a pass at a signature or a name. Drat! 1 down, 11 to go. :) (On the positive side, it’s not a rejection letter from Davis/Panzer!)
ha cha cha
Ha cha cha. If I had some $2 stamps, I could just put this bay-bee in the mail right now, but I don’t feel like putting 8 $.37 stamps on this, and I’m not *100%* certain that it’ll be $2.75, although that seems likely. Made an appointment with H&R Block for 2pm next Friday for to have the taxes done. Ha cha cha!
best husband!
I have the very best husband. Thanks, Ted, for bringing in the good paper from the car for me this morning. *beam* Thinks to do today: 1. write 1700 words 2. swim 2500 yards 3. print S&3 for Tor 4. clean the kitty litter 5. clean the dog pen (do I know how to have fun, or what?) 6. write HoS synopsis 7. call H&R Block for taxes appt.
quiet day
Quiet day. I re-read The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown. I still adore both of those books unconditionally. *Man*. I don’t know how many times I’ve read them, but I could read them a hundred more times and still love them. It’d be good to write books like that. :)