Music Man does do layaways. 20% down and they ask for payoff within 90 days. I could make a $50 down payment this weekend… Sleepy, sleepy me. Oh, I should go see if the bread turned out… It did. More or less. It’s sort of short, but it doesn’t look inedibly short. Very, *very* sleepy me.
Columbia editorial cartoons
Via Lithera, some editorial cartoons about Columbia. Don’t click through if you’re at work, don’t like crying in public and are prone to tears about the shuttle. There are many that are thematically similar. There are many that made me cry. thinks to do today: 1. write 1700-3000 words 2. swim 3. clean the kitty litter 4. bake some bread 5. there is no #5 Oh yeah. And I cancelled my guitar lessons until further notice. 6. call the guitar people and see if they do layaways
words, after all
Buffy was a lot better than I expected it to be. That’s good. That’s the first time since the episode that completely pissed me off that I’ve thought an episode was pretty good. No swimming. But there was writing. 50K in 30 days count: 21,591 ytd wordcount: 40,320 (10% done! GO ME!)
not dead!
Not dead! Just not real updatey. Nothing really to say. Except I’m sitting in my office singing ‘Walk Through the Fire’ at the top of my lungs, and enjoying working at home. :) thinks to do today: 1. write 1700 words 2. swim 3. watch Buffy music: Once More With Feeling, Buffy soundtrack
A good day, writing-wise. Almost 3100 words, and I might do some editing on MD later tonight. Might. While I’m watching Dead Zone. During the commercials, anyway. :) 50K in 30 days count: 19,347 ytd wordcount: 38,080 (ack! almost at 10%!)