
*pantpantpant* 600ish words written. Upstairs vacuumed. Stairs vacuumed. Cake made. Kitchen cleaned. Kitty litter cleaned. Kitchen floor swept. Random Junk Lying Around put away. Downstairs bathroom swept. Discovered do not own mop. More things put away. Must vacuum downstairs. Then house will be presentable to Jai. *pantpantpant* Oh, because people keep asking: S&3 means synopsis & 3 chapters.


Man. No email from the publisher. I’d worked myself into an Unreasonable Hope, this morning. :)

the hours

I went to The Hours tonight. It’s an excellent movie with excellent performances by the entire cast, and Nichole Kidman looks and sounds nothing at all like Nichole Kidman. I also wrote 1080 words today. I think I can manage to make the other 20 up tomorrow. :) Did a little bit of laundry. Whee. :) Sarah and I spent quite a while going through our Writers/Novels Market books and finding appropriate publishers to query for Josie. We ended up with an even dozen, 5 of whom request S&3 and…

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oh, tangent

Oh, on a tangent, Sarah and I decided last night to dig out the Josie manuscript, do a little more rewriting/tweaking/editing, write up a new synopsis, and send it out to people who publish Westerns. We’ll be sending out queries and/or S&3s on Feb 1. Anybody got any opinions on how rewrites count towards total wordcount?


Got up way late this morning. V. spoiled. Have accomplished Diddly, followed by Squat. Well, I managed to put a blanket into the laundry; I suppose that counts for something. And I ate breakfast. I’m becoming rather fond of this apple-before-a-meal plan. It’s yummy! Today is Ted’s birthday! Happy birthday to Ted! *beam*