but wait!

But wait! I have a plot! Well. I have an inkling of a plot. It will turn into a real plot. In January. O.O

more of sarah’s fault!

More of Sarah’s fault! Well, okay, not really, not entirely, because I’m on the same mailing lists she’s on and it’s been announced all around, but: Harlequin is starting a new line of fantasy novels, full-length books (100-150K), with romantic subplots (which most novels have anyway), which they’re going to start publishing in 2004 as trade paperbacks, one title a month while they see how it goes, and maybe more titles a month after that. They’re taking open submissions. I don’t HAVE a 100-150K fantasy novel! (Actually, I do, but…

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A chapter and a fraction of US edited today, and 1250 words written on Angles. My wrists hurt. Hnf.


So in a fit of pissiness I ordered a swimsuit off speedo.com, since, yes, apparently NO ONE COULD EVER WANT TO BUY A SWIMSUIT OFF-SEASON, wtf is that all about, anyway, so now I guess I get to wait and see if it fits. Hnf. In other news, I completely forgot I was going to get up and go to the gym this morning, and consequently didn’t. And Lucy is about to fall off the computer monitor. *pushes her back* There, now she’s not anymore. Sherilyn is worried that my…

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spurred on

Spurred on by my sister’s encouragement, plus some gushing email from another friend who’s reading Angles, I wrote 2900 words tonight and am now at 21000 or so total. Nearly at the halfway point for wordcount! Slightly less than halfway through the story — I believe the halfway point is somewhere between 7500-10K words out, whereas the wordcount halfway point is a mere 4000 or so words out. Still, I should reach halfway in wordcount by Thursday, I think (I have to edit more US before I can write more…

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