And it’s off! I put the US ms into the mail this morning! Wish it luck! :)
Chapters edited: 3. Cover letters written: 1. Synopses sweated over: 1. *fwwssssshhhh* Now I’m going to *bed*. Will post the envelope to the publisher *tomorrow*. G*night*. *tud*
Sarah is going over the first 3 chapters of US with a fine-toothed comb for me, nitpicking sentence structures and spelling errors and doing detail work. She’s thus far found some very embarrassing errors (worth instead of worse, in the third sentence, no less) and is generally improving the writing. Sarah is my heeeeeeero! And now I must meet.
Every time I look at that last entry, I start singing, “They got the mustard out!”
He wants the first three chapters!