Ok, that basically sucked. I went downstairs to get some actual work done for a few minutes — 45 minutes or so? Maybe not that long — and my back really thought poorly of sitting for that many minutes in a row. Sigh. Had an idea for a screenplay, last night. ‘course, I gotta finish MD first. And rewrite US. And possibly try to write a YA novel for that contest Sarah mentioned. But no pressure, y’know? No pressure….
doing better
The auld back is doing quite a lot better today. Not well, and being up and moving around for more than a few minutes wears me out pretty fast, but I’m doing better. I slept without the back brace last night and that was MUCH nicer. Lucy came and slept on my ribs this morning, and it didn’t hurt. Yay! Now she’s sleeping on the pillows/blankets I have set up for a knee rest (I’m supposed to have my knees over a pillow or something so my lower back doesn’t…
curse garrett’s eyes…
Curse Garrett’s eyes. He introduced me to this blogrolling.com, which is a nifty little tool that allows a person to save links into a navbar with a click or two. So I can get sucked into more random blogs and sites more easily. *mumble*
“Almost 150 years before the Internet, the letters column of Robert Merry’s Museum shaped its subscribers into a virtual community. Flame wars, gender-swapping — you name it, they did it. Illustrated; with links to pieces at this site.”
boy, do i…
Boy, do I know how to have fun. I’m going to try to get my laptop onto work’s VPN so I can, well, work. Although, crap, I’ll have to find fsecuresh again. This *sucks*.