
Wore myself out this morning. Went to the chiro, then went with Mom to see if we could find me one of those ergonomically correct backless chairs where you put your butt on one slant and your knees on another slant and it’s supposed to be very good for you. After two minutes in the store I needed to go lie down. :( So now I’m lying down. Again. I’m going to call in to my 12:30 meeting, and try to work for a while after that, but I have…

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is this an improvement?

I stretch; my back spasms. I lie still; my back spasms. I stand up; my back spasms. And don’t even talk to me about sneezing. And this is *better* than it was. Getting up, dressing, showering, is very wearying. I still haven’t managed to get my socks on yet. The poor damned dog is in her kennel because I can’t WALK her, and she’s not very happy about that. Neither am I. I’m also incredibly hungry, but if I go into the kitchen she’ll see me and I’ll feel guilty.…

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did i mention

Did I mention I managed to put my own socks on this (yesterday) morning? Well, yesterday afternoon. Still. I did. The photos page is actually up. not with captions on the photos, but up. Nearly 50 megs worth of photos, ai. 750 or something of them. Sheesh. And that’s not counting the cruise stuff; I haven’t decided if I’m putting that up in the gallery stuff or not. And a prototype Kitsnaps is also up. Bed now. Night.


I’m in the process of updating my photos page to a pre-built image gallery setup which requires much less work on my part. Consequently, for a few days it’s pretty likely that the photos pages are going to be goofy, and nothing will be where it used to be when I’m done. I’ll probably be putting everything back up, so it’ll be findable, eventually. In the unlikely event that you desperately need to know where a photo is, ask me. :)


Man, I’m in a piss-poor mood today. I spent an hour doing things this morning– things like getting up, showering, eating — and after an hour’s exertion my back was screaming at me. I cannot put my own socks on. I’m on my back again for the fourth day in a row. This is just … depressing. And my feet are cold. *sigh* Maybe I’ll go try to figure out a mySQL database, or something. :P