cool site is a very nifty site. It makes me want to do something similar for around here. Garrett suggested, which makes me laugh. :) I don’t know how to set up a database to handle it, though. That’s the only problem. And I don’t know if I’m clever enough, or perhaps more accurately, dedicated enough, to figure it out. Even if I’ve got mySQL on this hosting service… maybe I should read a book. Or read the web. Heh. :P


Ehehehehe. Ted is totally addicted to HeroClix. Bret, the guy at the comic shop, said he’d save out ten or something unique HeroClix figurines for a good price, and Ted was kind of doing the I’m-so-cute-and-hopeful dance about buying them, but I hadn’t said we could afford it. So sneaky sneaky me sent Shaun out to buy them while Ted was at work this morning, and I got him a Sentinal, too. The Sentinals are pretty cool. And Ted was very surprised. Ehehehehe. :)

flat on my…

Flat on my back for a third day in a row. I’m in much less pain today, which is a very nice thing indeed, but it still hurts to, oh, SIT UP. The fucking dog just shit in the kitchen. Again. I’m at a loss as to what to do. Oh, and? Cleaning up after the dog when you’ve got a bad back? Really sucks a lot.


new chapters posted, for my test readers. normally i’d not post this publically, but normally i’d have access to my regular email.

more pain. *sigh*

Man, I’m wiped out. Went to the chiro again today. I’m on bedrest again today. Lying around on my back. On an ice pack. Very cold. I’m better today, which is to say I am no longer in excrutiating pain, but merely mind-boggling pain. Oh yeah, I’m reminded, I wrote a haiku while lying around in the chiro’s office this morning. Damn, I can’t remember it. You’re probably all relieved. *helpless painful giggles* the wretched cats have been ignoring my bed-ridden self. Shaun just put Zilli down beside me. Zilli…

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