jesus christ on a pogo stick on tuesday. just got back from the chiro. he got some pretty profound (re: excrutiating) pops from my lower back/tailbone, the exciting result of which is that i’m barely able to walk. it’s not that he did something hideous; it’s that my poor back muscles are *so* exhausted they just can’t hold me up. he gave me a back support belt because I almost literally couldn’t walk without holding my back like a pregnant woman. I could fumble a step or two, and then…
this sucks
You know, all I’ve got to talk about is the various kinds of pain I’m in. Maybe I won’t bother. :P
just got back from the chiropractor. he took pictures of my spine and showed me where it’s screwed up and then crunched me and now i have different pain in a different place. he managed one significant crunch which feels eight thousand times better, sort of in the upper part of my lower back on the left side. the lower stuff is still pretty painful, especially on the right side. but i go back again tomorrow, and i’m bloody well going to keep going back until my spine no longer…
oh, this is exciting. i’ve gone from spasms to heartbeat-paced throbs of pain when i try to move. and i didn’t take any dayquil and it’s up three flights of stairs and i just can’t bring myself to do that again. i went up and got my muscle relaxants (took the last one, wah) and a couple aspirin, none of which i have any faith in. some small part of my brain is convinced that if only i can drink enough water, it will make my muscles loosen up. i…
wow, pain. sort of slow luxurious spasms around my tailbone. lying down seems to alleviate them. anything else — walking, standing, sitting, translating from one of any of those activities to another — causes exquisite slow pain. and i am still ms. dehydration lass. chiro appt at 9. hope he can help. or at *least* maybe he’ll give me some good drugs. jeezus.