Well, we went to Gosford Park on Saturday, and Ted /did/ go along, and liked it, and I enjoyed it a great deal. So did everybody, in fact, although we all agreed that the accents made it sort of mushmouthed for the first half or so of the movie. This wasn’t helped any by the fact that the sound system at the Bear’s Tooth is a little lacking, so what might’ve been clearer in another theatre wasn’t there. Ah well. Still, a very enjoyable movie! Today I got up and…
The farking gym was closed. A piece of paper taped on the door saying, sorry, we’re closed, call some phone number or another for details– –which I have just called, and the nice woman on the other end has no idea why it’s closed. Fnrt. She did, however, take my name and number so they could give me a free pass for the inconvienence, which is *something*, at least. Fuckers. I was really up for going to the gym. :P Instead we went to The Scorpion King, which was such…
AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Deirdre is PREGNANT! I’m going to be an AUNT! That’s very COOL! She’s due in December sometime. Ehehehehe! She just called to tell me. *laugh* Actually, she called earlier today while I was asleep, and Shaun said that it was important and I should call her back, so I figured that was what it was, but it is now confirmed. Baby on the way! I’m going to be an aunt! hee hee hee!
Ok, so, 1000drawings is launched. I’m still dithering about how to do comments on the drawings, since I generally have something to say (stop looking at me like that). I think right now I’ll just leave it be, and when I get some more stuff done I’ll maybe start making pages for the different people I draw. There’s a lot of good stuff of Lucy Lawless, and she doesn’t wear a lot of clothes (at least, not as Xena), which means I can draw the body beneath the clothes more…
it’s harangue
It’s harangue, incidentally.