Sharbat Gula. That’s the name of the the Afghan girl who was on the cover of National Geographic seventeen years ago. That photograph, NG has said, is the one that more people than any other have written in to ask about: do they know her name? Do they know what happened to her? Did she survive? Now we know. She survived; she has three daughters of her own. She’s . . . My God. She’s alive. That simple fact makes me want to cry. I didn’t realize how much I…
wow, two years
Wow! I just realized today was my two year anniversary at Consumer Health Interactive. Wow. Two years. Wow!
splaaaah. too warm. probably dehydrated. bored. tired. splaaaaah.
I went to the gym! I pretty clearly need to get there earlier than I did, though, in order to do a workout that feels worthwhile to me. I only had about half an hour, and I generally need 45 minutes or a little more, I think. But! I went. Yay me! It was very, very quiet. This gym has a year membership, so I’ll stay with it a year, but I’m not at all convinced I’ll re-sign-up. I admit, it’s nice to have equipment that’s in good shape, which…
bus schedules
Lovely. Just freaking lovely. I have finally taken a look at the bus schedules. Would you like to know what they look like? Like this: The bus I would want to get on near the gym (#4) arrives there at approximately 7:44. The bus I would want to transfer to in order to get near my *home* (#36) gets to the transfer point that Bus #1 gets to at approximately 8:12. It’s about a 5 minute drive from the stop I’d get on to the transfer point. Assuming (which is…