First off, my sister’s Indiegogo campaign has gone live! It’s actually an insanely awesome project *aside* from some of the reward levels being stuff from me: she’s writing, directing and producing a musical (seriously, my sister is amazing). The campaign page is here! Ah, but what’s it about? Let me quote the page: Anti-Captialism: The Musical! is large scale theatrical narrative using circus and music. It a fairytale, set in a near future political reality similar to our own. It uses aerial acrobatics, plot twists, assassinations, and intrigue to tell…
Kitsnaps: The Navigator
Detail of The Navigator sculpture on the quays in Cobh, Ireland. I’d have liked to have brought the water drops out more, but I’m neither that good a photographer or a photoshopper. :)
projecting projects
I don’t want to get anybody’s hopes up or anything, but I have finished writing the 4th chapter of MAGIC & MANNERS. I’m just sayin’. Let’s see, what else do I know. Oh! The upcoming Indiegogo campaign for my sister’s musical (her Facebook page for it is here, you should keep an eye on it!) is well underway for preparations, and it looks like we’ll be putting up “CE Murphy Will Write You A Story” at 300 euro, which comes out around $400USD (gawd, the exchange rate!), but even with…
Kitsnaps: Jonathan Livingston, I Presume
Apparently in my efficiency I uploaded all the files for this week’s Kitsnaps and then forgot to make posts for them. I was sitting here poking at my website going “wait, where’s the picture…” Nice girl. Not too bright, but a nice girl. :)
birthday day!
Today is my husband’s birthday, so I’m baking a German chocolate cake and we’re going out to dinner at a really good restaurant tonight. Mmmm. :) I turned in the copy edits for SHAMAN RISES last night, which means the Walker Papers directory is one final edit pass from being moved into the Finished Projects folder. Pretty strange, after 14 years of working on them. Just, wow. I note that the 28th of January is the 201st anniversary of the publication of PRIDE & PREJUDICE. This may be relevant to…