Back at the start of the century (!) I submitted a manuscript to a writing contest, which I finaled in and went to the conference the contest was associated with, because finalists got to meet an editor and I wanted a professional opinion on whether what I was doing was any good. Finalists also wore little ribbons saying they were finalists in their genre. The SF/F ones were yellow. A woman came up to me and said, “Oh! You’re a SF&F finalist! Were you one of mine? I’m one of…
the TBRS project
Y’know, I’m genuinely a little concerned about my TBR shelf project (the one where I have to clear out about 70% of my TBR shelf before I can buy anything new), just because it’s harder to read fiction when I’m writing it* and I have to get an awful lot of writing done next year. Somehow. If I was planning a massive *re-read* project (aside from the GGK thing, which is not massive), I’d be in much better shape. It’s far easier to read things I’ve already read. Less anticipation,…
Catie’s Ham & Bean Soup
Start by roasting a big ham with a lot of fat on it. Ideally roast it in a cast iron pan, so you don’t have to pour the melted fat into another pan when you take it out of the oven, but whatever works for you. Make an egregious amount of ham gravy. Three cups or more. (You’ve never made gravy? It’s easy. Take a half cup of flour or so and put your sautee pan of ham fat on a decently high heat. Sprinkle in some of the flour.…
Magic & Manners: Chapter Three
With ongoing apologies to Jane Austen, and a wish for all to have a Happy Midwinter Holiday, I present to you the third chapter of MAGIC & MANNERS, which is what happens when I get it into my head to wonder what PRIDE & PREJUDICE would be like if it was not a lack of wealth that beleaguered the Bennet sisters, but rather an excess of magic… Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three lies behind the cut. :)
birthday of the unconquered sun
I cannot for love or money get this Birthday of the Unconquered Sun account to work, so I’m going to have to bail on that aspect of it. However, if people want to send pictures in to my email address botuc at OUTLOOK dot COM that would be great!, that would be cool!