The more I think about it, the more I like it. Behind the cut it is rife with spoilers.
Birthday of the Unconquered Sun
#bemused I’m throwing a solstice party, the Birthday of the Unconquered Sun. Some friends suggested I open a Skype channel or Google hangout on my smart TV so people in the US and Britain could call in. It immediately got out of hand, and somebody said I should try doing an all-continents party, excepting, we presumed, Antarctica. Only then a friend of mine turns out to know somebody who’s on The Ice *right now*, and so Antarctica will be calling in (or at leat sending on a photo!) to the…
Guest Post: On the Making of Jam
All y’all know I like to make jams and things and although I can’t find a post talking about it, I did an experiment with my last batch of peach jam where I used about 30% less sugar because the stuff I’d made was So Sweet and So Stiff and because it had been years and years since I’d made jam and I’d *thought* that looked like an *awful* lot of sugar and the reduced sugar version turned out beautifully and not too sweet although I thought I could cut…
CE Murphy 2014 Calendar: Wild Things
I’ve put together a 2014 calendar for them as wants ’em. Pictures of (mostly) cute fuzzy animals this year, and it’s 10% off on everything right now with the discount code HOLIDAYCOUNT. Everybody needs a calendar, right? G’wan, make Christmas shopping easy on yourself this year… :)
The Bin Saga
Months ago we changed rubbish removal services and I asked the old company to take away their bins, which they were supposed to do within 10-15 working days. After two months of me reminding them, I sent a bill. Then I started sending a daily reminder. Monday: I’m disappointed to report the bins are still here. I got a cut and pasted standard “We apologise for the delay, I’ll send an urgent request” response to that. Now, I’d intended to just keep sending that again and again until they came…