What is that saying, an author is someone who hates writing more than other people? Yeah. Like that. :p I’ve cut about 15 of the 45 pages I had on this stupid book, and probably have more or less figured out how to fix the next bit, which will return us to our regularly scheduled whatever, not that there’s been any regularly scheduled writing this year. (I said something about writing and my father, ingenuously, said, “Oh, writing? Is that what you do?” :/) On the positive side, I guess,…
nano, sort of
Sigh. It’s Day 8 of Nano and I’ve done nothing except stare miserably at a manuscript that isn’t working. I’ve known for some time that it wasn’t working, but it’s been such a busy month that I’ve been desperately hoping it was the busy-ness and not the book. But no, it’s the book. I already struck about a thousand words out of the manuscript (in half an hour, which was literally the only half hour of work I did in the month of October :p) So today I’m staring miserably…
a quick WFC recap
I wanted to do a quick WFC recap before it gets so far away as to be irrelevant, so here I go. :) First off, this was the first con I’d been to since about 2006 that I didn’t have professional obligations at. In fact, that’s almost a blanket statement: the first two conventions I went to were the only ones I’ve *not* been at in some professional aspect or another, so it was a bit weird for me in the first place. And I’m sure it’s been said elsewhere,…
six hours left!
There’s just six hours left on Chrysoula’s INFINITY KEY Kickstarter! There’s loads of free stories and stuff along with the book itself now, and it’s a wonderful book, so if you haven’t subscribed and might want to, head on over before it’s too late!
Picoreview: Thor: The Dark World
Picoreview: Thor: The Dark World (spoiler-free): Thor thor thor thor Loki Thor Loki Thor Loki Thor Loki Thor thor thor thor loki Loki LOKI Loki loki thor thor thor Loki Loki Loki LOKI thor Stay through ALL THE CREDITS, people. ALL THE CREDITS. One does not simply walk out of a Marvel movie before the credits are done rolling! (not spoilery but not without an opinion behind the cut):